2014/2015 Calendar
This calendar is still TENTATIVE
Please note that the director may add or cancel events at any time.
Please note that the director may add or cancel events at any time.
- 23 – NC Honors Chorus Workshop at UNCG
- 29-Sep 12 – Cookie Dough Fall Fundraiser
- 10 – Deadline to Register for Honors Chorus and All-State
- Open House: 6pm, CRHS
- 27 – Auditions for Honors Chorus: Meredith College, Raleigh, NC
- 9 - Evening of Entertainment: 7:00pm, Union Grove United Methodist Church
- 10 - Lollipop Fundraiser: CRHS vs. Orange @ Home
- 21 - Fall Choral Concert: 7:30pm, CRHS Auditorium
- 23 - Disney trip informational meeting: 6:30pm, Choir Room
- 24 - Lollipop Fundraiser: Homecoming Game
- 24 - End of 1st 9 Weeks
- 6 - Dine out for the Choir at Vinny's
- 7 - Lollipop Fundraiser: Senior Night
- 26-28 - Thanksgiving Break
- 4 - Evening of Entertainment: 7:00pm, Union Grove United Methodist Church
- 7 - Hillsborough Candlelight Tour Concert: 3:00pm, First Baptist Church of Hillsborough
- 11 - Dress Rehearsal for Madrigal: 4:00pm, CRHS
- 12-13 - Madrigal Dinners: 6:00pm, CRHS Cafeteria
- 22-Jan. 4 - Christmas/New Years Break
- 16 - End of 2nd 9 Weeks
- 22-Feb. 2 - Pizza Fundraiser
- 6 - Women’s Showcase: Hill Hall Auditorium
- 9-13 - Taking orders for Singing Valentines: CRHS Auditorium and Media Center
- 21 - All-County Chorus Showcase: Orange High School-CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
- 27 - POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER-Benefit Concert for the Choir Program, featuring James Garland: CRHS Auditorium
- 3 - Pre-MPA Concert: 7:30pm, CRHS Auditorium
- 9 - HS Choral MPA: Meredith College, Raleigh, NC
- 24 - All-State District Rehearsal: 4:30pm-7:30pm, Orange High School
- 26 - Evening of Entertainment: 7:00pm, Union Grove United Methodist Church
- 27 - End of 3rd 9 Weeks
- 9 - Face to Face Conferences: 6:00pm,CRHS Cafeteria
- 9-12 - Festival Disney Trip to Orlando, FL
- 14-27 - Bunraiser! Cinnamon Bun fundraising event
- 21 - Evening of Entertainment: 7:00pm, Union Grove United Methodist Church
- 1-2 - State Chorus: Center for the Performing Arts, Raleigh
- 13 - Dress Rehearsal for Pops Concert: 4:00pm
- 14 & 15 - Pops Concert: 7:00pm, CRHS Auditorium
- 26 - Choral Awards Banquet: 6:00pm (Banquet); 7:00pm (Awards Ceremony)
- 1 - Senior Awards Night: 6:30pm, CRHS Gym
- 9 - Last Day of School for Students
- 11 - CRHS Graduation: 4:30pm, Dean Smith Center, Chapel Hill