The Cedar Ridge High School combined choirs, under the direction of Angie Phillips, will present their 11th Annual Madrigal Dinner on Friday, December 12, and Saturday, December 13, at 6:00 p.m.
Be transported back to medieval times - the days of kings and queens, lords and ladies, knights and jesters - for a unique dinner theater experience you will not want to miss! The “royal servants” of the women’s Sotto Voce choir will welcome guests with carols and japes before serving a holiday feast of salad, brisket and sides, and dessert. Throughout dinner, the Chamber Ensemble will entertain with the hilarious play, The Musical Ambassadors of Good Will. “Gloucestershire Wassail,” the “Boar's Head Carol,” “Deck the Hall,” and “Night of Silence” are among the songs that weave through the rollicking tale of lost travelers, mistaken identity, royal discord, and horrible puns. Join the students of the Cedar Ridge choirs as they bring the feeling of Christmas and madrigal entertainment to life. Performances will be held at the Cedar Ridge High School, 1125 New Grady Brown School Road, Hillsborough, NC. Doors open at 6:00pm and dinner begins at 6:30pm. Comments are closed.
August 2024