The annual Chorus Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 22. The evening begins at 6:00pm in the CRHS cafeteria with heavy hors d’oeuvres, and then moves into the auditorium for the awards ceremony at 7:00pm.
Tickets are available from Ms. Pegram NOW through the end of the school day on Monday, May 19. No tickets will be sold at the door; they are only available in advance. Admission is free for current choir students but a ticket is required to attend. Tickets for parents, siblings, and others not in the choir program are $5 per person. The admission cost helps to pay for the food we serve before the ceremony. Please get your ticket if you plan to attend! You will need it to get into the cafeteria. Formal attire is expected. Church clothes, prom dresses, chorus tuxes: whatever you would like to wear as long as it’s formal. Ms. Pegram has asked that there be no jeans at the event. We hope everyone will attend, so get your ticket order in NOW! Don’t forget, you can’t buy them at the door! Questions? Please contact Angie Pegram at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
August 2024